Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Apple, Feijoa and Ginger Crumble

Martha asked me for the recipe of this dessert which accomodates both of our food needs and preferences.

Two apples, peeled and chopped
flesh of 10 feijoas scooped
two tablespoons of finely chopped crystalised ginger
two tablepooons brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Toss these ingredients in a small casserole. Then prepare the topping and sprinkle over the fruit.

3/4 cup of finely ground grain eg millet/corn/oat/rice
1/4 cup dessicated coconut
1/4 cup chopped seeds eg sunflower/pumpkin
1/4 cup finely chopped nuts eg almonds/brazils/hazels
1 tsp each ground cinnmon and ginger
1 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 cup butter

Melt butter in a small pan over a low heat and stir in other ingredients. Stir over heat for a few minutes until thoroughtly mixed, then sprinke on top of fruit. Bake crumble uncovered for 30-40 minutes in 180 oven until brown and fragrant. Serve with icecream, custard or cream if desired.